Thursday, January 8, 2009

Consignment Stores Are In the Clear!

I know that it may seem crazy that a new store would be excited that consignment stores will still be able to keep their doors open. After all, if people buy used clothing they are not buying new right? Just think of the impact if there was no where to take all your child's outgrown clothing and toys. Can you imagine the landfills? The fact of the matter is that we need both used and new stores to exist. I frequently buy used clothing for my children. My son goes through jeans at about a size a week. I would go broke trying to keep him in clothing. I am so excited that the CPSC has decided to exempt used products from the new lead requirements. It would have been silly for consignment stores to be forced to test used products to make sure they did not exceed the new limits. It would have put them out of business. Hopefully this is a good sign that the CPSC is moving towards making even more exemptions. For more information on this story click here.

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