Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Moms Meet

Kiwi Magazine is one of my favorite resources for finding ways to live a greener and healthier lifestyle. The magazine is packed full of great articles and helpful tips. Recently, Kiwi has partnered with Earth's Best to create Mom's Meet. Mom's Meet provides the information, articles and ideas to help facilitate a mom gathering. Anyone can sign up to become a mom ambassador and start their own group. Each month, the ambassador is emailed a new topic of discussion. The ambassador takes this information and uses it to start discussions in their group. It is playgroup with a purpose. I think it is a great way for moms to share their green and healthy ideas and inspire others to try some new things. I am very excited about this opportunity and have personally signed up as an ambassador for this area. Look for more posts or entries on our calendar to find out about our first meeting!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I'd love to participate in the meetings!
